Nadine Thornhill is a life-long klutz, having sustained 15 concussions to date. She is a passionately committed Scrabble player, both online and in-person.
She is notably awkward on the phone and generally scripts her messages before leaving a voice-mail. Her hair is ridiculous. Nadine has a well-documented crush on Stephen Colbert, part of her general obsession with bespectacled, geek-types. She has yet to master the art of tact and will speak openly about the evils of Stephen Harper or the wonders of masturbation within earshot of your conservative grandma. Nadine stubbed her thumb while typing this.
Nadine Thornhill is a sex educator and the program director for Planned Parenthood Ottawa’s Insight Theatre. Nadine is also an actor/writer whose plays and poetry tend toward subjects such as clitorises, vibrators and non-monogamy.
In her spare time, Nadine can typically be found hanging out with her husband (The Man of Mans) and son (The Green Bean), caterwauling at karaoke or concocting new ways to avoid wearing pants.